Nowling Law, LLC

Get on the path to the results you want.

At Nowling Law, LLC, we help guide clients through some of life's most important and consequential decisions. 

Estate Planning , Fox River Valley, IL

Solely Focused on Estate Planning

At Nowling Law, LLC, we provide the following legal services.


One popular solution for seamless asset management and legacy preservation is a Revocable Living Trust. Imagine a financial tool that not only safeguards your assets during your lifetime but also ensures a smooth transfer of wealth to your beneficiaries after you're gone. With a Revocable Living Trust, you retain full control over your assets during your lifetime, with the flexibility to modify or revoke the trust as your circumstances change. By placing your assets into the trust, you can bypass the costly and time-consuming probate process, ensuring privacy and efficiency in the distribution of your estate. Say goodbye to the headaches of probate court and hello to the peace of mind that comes with knowing your legacy is protected with a Revocable Living Trust. Contact us today to learn more about how a Revocable Living Trust can benefit you and your loved ones.


The cornerstone of estate planning: the Last Will and Testament. Your will is your voice beyond the grave, ensuring that your wishes are carried out precisely as you envision them. With a Last Will and Testament, you have the power to designate beneficiaries for your assets, appoint guardians for minor children, and even leave instructions for the care of beloved pets. This essential legal document provides clarity and peace of mind, sparing your loved ones the uncertainty and potential conflicts that can arise in the absence of clear directives. Whether you're planning for the future or simply seeking to update your existing will, our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that your legacy is preserved exactly as you intend.

Don't leave your estate to chance – take control of your future with a Last Will and Testament. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start the journey toward securing your legacy for generations to come. With our expertise and personalized approach, you can rest assured that your final wishes will be honored with the utmost respect and care.


One streamlined solution to estate planning in Illinois is the Transfer on Death Instrument (a TODI). This innovative legal tool allows individuals to designate beneficiaries for their real estate assets, bypassing the often complex and time-consuming probate process. With a Transfer on Death Instrument, property owners can specify who will inherit their property upon their passing, providing peace of mind and certainty for both the owner and their loved ones. Whether you own residential property, commercial real estate, or agricultural land, this flexible instrument empowers you to control the destiny of your assets with ease.

Our team of knowledgeable professionals is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that your wishes are executed precisely as you intend. Contact us today to learn more about how a Transfer on Death Instrument can streamline your estate planning and provide security for your loved ones' future.


Estate planning may lead to thoughts of mortality and legal mumbo-jumbo.  But the motivation behind estate planning is usually deeply rooted in the desire for control, peace of mind, and the well-being of loved ones.

First and foremost, people engage in estate planning to maintain control over their assets. By crafting a comprehensive plan, individuals can dictate how their property, investments, and belongings are distributed. This control extends beyond wealth distribution to include decisions regarding healthcare directives, guardianship for dependents, and even pet care instructions. Through estate planning, individuals can rest assured that their wishes will be honored, alleviating concerns about uncertainty or disputes among family members.

Furthermore, estate planning offers a sense of peace and security. Knowing that one's affairs are in order provides a profound sense of relief, allowing individuals to focus on enjoying life without the looming worry of what may happen in the future. This peace of mind extends not only to the individual but also to their loved ones, who are spared the burden of navigating complex legal processes and potential conflicts during an already emotionally challenging time.

Once the estate planning process is completed, individuals often experience a mix of emotions. While there may be initial apprehension or discomfort in confronting mortality, there is also a profound sense of accomplishment and reassurance in having taken proactive steps to safeguard their legacy. Ultimately, completing estate planning fosters a sense of empowerment, allowing individuals to face the future with confidence, knowing that they have provided for their loved ones and preserved their wishes for generations to come.

Estate planning involves sensitive and personal matters, such as end-of-life care, inheritance, and legacy planning. We work to be able to provide emotional support to clients while helping them make difficult decisions about their estate plan.  Our knowledge and expertise in estate planning law, including local and regional laws, regulations, and practices. We are well-versed in wills, trusts, probate, tax laws, asset protection, and other legal issues related to estate planning.



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Estate Planning Lawyer

About Nowling Law, LLC

We feel it's vital to bring to light some of life's "what ifs." We make sure clients understand the options, we provide recommendations, and allow the client to make their own decisions.  Our goal is to provide a combination of effective communication, competence, trust, understanding, responsiveness, transparency, results, professionalism, cost-effectiveness, and overall service.

Estate Planning Legal Team

Meet the team

Scott Nowling has a lengthy history in real estate, estate planning, and business operations.  In the 1980s Scott was a Realtor and secured the CRS and GRI designations.  In the 1990s, Scott was a  Certified Financial Planner and assisted clients in both investment and estate planning.  Scott also worked as a District Manager for a Fortune 50 company for two decades.

Scott graduated from Kalamazoo College with a degree in Economics and Business Administration.  Scott received his MBA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.  Scott also finished #1 in his law school class at Cooley Law School with a perfect 4.0 GPA, one of 17 graduates in the history of the school (with over 20,000 graduates) to do so.  Scott clerked at the Michigan Supreme Court in the chambers of Justice Elizabeth Welch.  

R. Scott Nowling

R. Scott Nowling

Attorney at Law

Scott Nowling has lived in the Fox Valley for nearly twenty years. Scott and his wife Dana have two daughters. Scott proudly served in D303 as a school board member and President of the Board.

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Nowling Law, LLC

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2560 Foxfield Road, Suite 350
St. Charles, IL 60174, IL 60174

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